
Texas Woman's University Recommends Children's Book "Am I Small?"

Texas Woman's University recommends our children's book "Am I small? Có phải tôi nhỏ bé?" in a recent list of multilingual resources: : "[...] an invaluable resource for teachers, parents and guardians of multilingual students. Below, find multilingual and multicultural resources for students arranged by language. Books are listed by grade level for K-12 including Spanish, Arabic, Vietnamese, [...]"

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Language Experts Recommmend Bilingual Book "Am I Small?"

Language experts from the language learning platform FluentU recommend our bilingual children's book "Am I small?" (available in 200+ languages and dialects) in a recent list of the best French books (2023): "[...] resources developed for children can be engaging for adults, too! We love this imaginative picture book written for bilingual reading [...] it’s also a helpful resource for learning size, shape and color adjectives as well as some fun animal vocabulary [...]".

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